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Each year, we create a beautiful program that not only is a keepsake but that attendees reference throughout the 4-day weekend. Not only is this a go-to throughout the weekend for our attendees, but programs are distributed with our lodging and hotel partners, with the Telluride Visitor's Center, and other key establishments throughout the Telluride region. We anticipate printing 1500 programs in 2025.
Rates & Specs
Full page: $575 - 4.5" x 6.5" no bleeds
Half page: $375 - 4.5" x 3.13" no bleeds
Artwork deadline: Friday, May 30, 2025
Email high res PDF to jenn@tellurideyogafestival.com
Attendance: 1200+
Gender: Female 78% Male 22%
80% traveling to Telluride
Quality Reach: change leaders in their communities, affluent, educated, and brand conscious.
Manduka Yoga Mats